Seagrave Sunday School
While there is currently no active Sunday School at Seagrave, we offer a children’s time during the service, and we welcome the children to stay throughout the service. There are colouring books and books available to use if they wish.
Letter about the Sunday School From Diane Barr-Knutson
“A Story Of Seagrave Sunday School”
Our Sunday School has witnessed many changes over the years. Early records date back to the year 1860, when dedicated Congregation Members would arrive by horse and wagon, or on foot, most often having covered many miles to come and worship the Lord.
The Church building we are in now was constructed and dedicated between 1906 and 1907, and as the saying goes, "if these walls could talk, what stories they could tell".
Many Senior Members of our Congregation attended Sunday School here as children and have grown up in this Church, and have fond memories of years past.
In 1921, Stanley Woolridge, who was the owner of the General Store at the time, donated a Silver Cup to the Sunday School, in hopes of generating a competition between the Girl's Class and the Boy’s Class (which were separate at the time), for the best attendance and the most Bible Verses memorized during the Sunday School year. As I understand it, the competition was pretty stiff, and the children had to work hard as this cup was passed between the two classes for three years.

In 1934, there was a Sunday School Orchestra comprised of talented members playing violins, bass violins and fiddles. The Orchestra Leader was Les Scott with Mrs. Cephas Sleep acting as Manager. This group entertained the Congregation for many years.
There were over 1000 Bible Verses memorized by Sunday School Students in 1941, and the highest enrollment was accomplished in 1942, with 104 children and adults on the roll, averaging 60 people every Sunday.
In 1952, the Sunday School was able to raise enough funds to pay for the steps today still leading up to the Sunday School Room; a major accomplishment they were very proud of.
The year 1953 saw the very first "Christmas Pageant" (the story of the birth of Christ), originated by Rev. Thomas Wallace and his assistant, Miss Willows. This annual production continued for many years. However, in the mid 70’s, the Pageant had to be cancelled as there were fewer children to carry on the role. We are looking forward to recreating the "Christmas Pageant" this year.
I found it interesting, that what we now refer to as the "Christmas Concert" was referred to for many, many years, as the "Christmas Tree". This annual tradition has been serving our Congregation since the very early years of our Sunday School.
The year 1966 witnessed the highest average attendance to date. Our Sunday School averaged 83 children and adults every Sunday for that year. I remember those days fondly.
Many people both past and present have lovingly given of themselves to our Sunday School. They have given their time, their energy, their personal funds, and their gifts, to keep our Sunday School alive and productive.
In the capacity of Superintendent, our Sunday School has seen the 3rd generation of the "Bruce" family, the "Short" family, and the "Wanamaker" family, as well as the 2nd generations of the "Barr", "Nicholls" and "Sturman" families.
As Sunday School Students, we are pleased to have the 4th generation of the "Bruce" family, as well as the 3rd generation of the "Barr" family, the "Nobbs" family and the "Wanamaker" family.
Seagrave Sunday School is a legacy that our parents and grandparents have left for us to nurture and make strong for the sake of our children and future generations. Although we are small in numbers now, our devotion to this Church and this Sunday School is very strong, and with God's help, our Sunday School will flourish for many years to come.
In closing, I would like to that Mr. & Mrs. Bill Keene for an afternoon of reminiscing of Sunday School days past, and Mrs. Enid Belair for sharing with me her mothers' personal notes, her mother being the late Mrs. Ann Clements. This information was very helpful in putting together this "touch of the past".
In Christian Love,
Diane Barr-Knutson
September 7, 1986